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Messages - jk2k9j29me

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General Mathematics / 67
« on: November 01, 2013, 09:12:53 am »
kly  not through long, boring negotiations as we did with START but through an agreement in principle without all those details, combined with parallel, unilateral steps.Georgi Arbatov, longtime arms control advisor to Soviet leaders and head of the USACanada Institute, has seriously questioned the new Yeltsin policy. According to a summary of his remarks published in Izvestia on Feb. 8, Mr. Arbatov called the announced change in targeting of missiles not very well thought out. He asks against whom the missiles will now be targeted, charging that the lack of clarity has caused anxiety all over the world and particularly within the Commonwealth of Independent States.Arbatov aims his
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 r is a place where Arabs and Jews do everything together except fight.Attractively decorated in aquatic shades of blue and green that recall the Mediterranean Sea outside the windows, the ArabJewish Community Center opened its doors five months ago. Its hope, says manager Ibrahim AbuShindi, is that Arabs and Jews can come to the same place to do the same activities to increase good coexistence.It sounds simple, but in Israel there is nothing else like this center. And when tensions between Palestinians and Jews are high, says Mr. AbuShindi, as they have been in the wake of the Hebron massacre, it is very important that we work together.Jaffa is unique in Israel. An ancient p
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 . Intelligence gathered during interrogations of terrorism suspects has saved innocent lives  in Europe as well as the United States, Ms. Rice said before departing for a weeklong European tour.In essence, the secretary of State appeared to be trying to redirect the debate over reported secret detention centers away from the nature of the centers themselves and toward possible benefits  namely, defense against terror attack.But the negative effect of the images of US mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq and elsewhere, plus the unpopularity of the Iraq war among many Europeans, may make it difficult for her to win over the region.The real issue here is that no one trusts the United Stat
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 In its extravagant need to be hip, its potshots are sometimes ignorantly aimed, and its characters interpret everything around them in basically New Age terms  all of which becomes tiresome.In the season's final story about the founding of Cicely, two young, cultured women arrive (circa 1905) and remake the miserable town into an artists' utopia. In one sequence, one of the young women does a dreadful imitation of modern dance, Isadora Duncan style. Suddenly the show takes on a missionary seriousness of tone, but NewAge talk takes the place of any moral of the story, and the viewer remains unconverted to the mystical implications of the show.A viewer might well wonder, Where is all
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